VR putting Sr1 locomotives that have received a recycling decision up for sale
"We recycle old rolling stock that has reached the end of its life cycle. Before the sale, we recover the necessary components and spare parts from the recycled rolling stock for use in the remaining rolling stock, because the availability of spare parts is weak or has already been completely exhausted. With cost-effective spare part recycling, we ensure the full utilisation of the old rolling stock in traffic until the end of its life cycle,” says Risto Kontiokoski, Vice President, Locomotive fleet management at VR.
The ten locomotives that will be put up for sale are, on average, 40 years old and are not suitable for use in traffic without major investments. Before the sale, the company will utilise all spare parts needed to extend and maintain the life cycle of rolling stock currently in traffic. The rolling stock units to be sold may not be identical, as the components they contain may vary. The rolling stock to be sold is not in operating condition as such, and VR is not responsible for the safe operating condition, transfers or railworthiness of the rolling stock.
It is possible to buy the locomotives individually as scrap iron, and a reserve price has been set for individual locomotives at the auction. The auction is aimed at companies and associations, and participation must be announced in advance. If no noteworthy bids are received by the deadline, the rolling stock will end up in material recycling. More than 90 per cent of the material in the rolling stock can be recycled. Detailed information about the rolling stock is available on the company’s website.
VR will put up for sale all of its rolling stock that has received a recycling decision, and will announce this on its website. The rolling stock will become available for sale as VR makes recycling decisions regarding its rolling stock.