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The procurement services of VR Group are offered to all of the Group's business areas and subsidiaries (Avecra, Pohjolan Liikenne and VR Fleetcare). VR Group's acquisitions are managed on a category-by-category basis. The procurement services are responsible for planning and directing the categories, tendering procurements above the EU threshold, developing procurements and managing suppliers.


For procurements above the EU thresholds, we comply with the Act on Public Contracts in Special Sectors. Procurements above the procurement legislation threshold are reported in the public procurement notification channel Hilma.

Tenders below the threshold are not subject to the Act on Public Contracts in Special Sectors, and these tenders are not published in Hilma.

VR Group Suppliers

VR Group cooperates with innovative and competitive suppliers committed to sustainable development. VR Group operates in accordance with laws and good business practices, in an ethically acceptable manner. We also require this from our suppliers.

VR Group’s suppliers must:

  • comply with the laws of Finland
  • comply with the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 in its operations
  • comply with the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out (1233/2006) when using external workforce
  • comply with VR Group's general terms and conditions of procurement
  • comply with VR Group's invoicing instructions
  • comply with VR’s Code of Conduct
  • act in a responsible and sustainable manner
  • be committed to continuous improvement in environmental matters

In addition, in order to ensure the responsibility of suppliers, we follow a specific responsibility process, which includes a self-assessment of the responsibility of suppliers. We ask all new suppliers to take the self-assessment before signing the contract.

You can sign up as a potential VR Group supplier by filling in the Become a supplier of VR Group form. We use the information for market and supplier surveys. By signing up as a supplier, your company may also be involved in tendering processes for tenders below the EU threshold.

VR Supplier Portal

VR Supplier Portal is used for approving suppliers to VR and to keep supplier information updated during the cooperation with VR. All new suppliers of VR receive an invitation to join the VR Supplier Portal. For a company to act as VR's supplier, the basic information about the company must be completed in the VR Supplier Portal.

On VR Supplier Portal, suppliers maintain their basic information and contact details and respond to possible additional clarification requests. VR's general instructions for suppliers are also shared through VR Supplier Portal.

Become a supplier of VR Group

You can sign up as a potential VR Group supplier by filling in the Become a supplier of VR Group form. We use the information for market and supplier surveys. By signing up as a supplier, your company may also be involved in tendering processes for tenders below the EU threshold.

Contact information

For procurement-related contacts: [email protected]

Other contacts: VR Group contact information


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